Offshore or onshore, the equipment used in oil & gas exploration, harvesting, and distribution faces an unrelenting enemy, corrosion. Despite the material and manufacturing advances used to create this equipment, corrosion remains a formidable opponent. Advanced thin-film coatings can level the playing field, enhancing the corrosion resistance of equipment and components.

Wear is a primary failure mode for components used in the oil and gas industry and that’s no surprise considering the environments in which those components are required to operate. Due to the unique properties of our coatings, wear, both adhesive and abrasive, is practically eliminated. This means less failure, less maintenance, longer component life, and lower cost.

Oil & Gas components can experience frequent high impact loads, which can lead to component failure. While materials used to manufacture these components have come a long way, they may not have the load capacity necessary in the field. The ability to withstand this impact is directly related to the hardness and energy absorption characteristics of the material to which the force is being applied. Our nanocomposite coatings amplify these characteristics helping to create components that have extremely high hardness and excellent energy absorption allowing those components to last longer while maintaining elevated performance.